This week…

This week we say goodbye to Mrs Flood. We are all very sad to have her leave our Grayling Foundation team but wish her lots of luck in her new job. Thank you Mrs Flood for helping us to solve […]

Phonics video …

This week we learnt phonemes v,w,x and y. Keep revising all the phonemes in your book and join in with the video below… Have a lovely weekend everyone! p.s…school trip and kindness week post below

Our trip and kindness…

For anti-bullying week we have focused on being kind. As we explored how to be kind, the children told me ‘there are many options’ such as ‘giving somebody a hug and looking after them when they are hurt’. We have these […]

This week…

Here is our phonics video for this week. 3 more digraphs and 4 more tricky words! Wow we are learning so so much!! We have also spent the past 2 weeks learning how to safely use the large apparatus in […]

This week…

Here is the phonics video for this week. It combines two phonemes learnt before half term and two more this week… This week we have also talked alot about celebrations. We read a story about the Festival of Light, Diwali […]

Welcome back!

We hope you all had a lovely half term break and are now ready to go for Autumn 2! Our learning this half term begins with exploring Woodlands and The Gruffalo. Please see our new virtual library for this term […]

This week…

This week in maths we have focused on the number 2! We talked about part, part, whole where 1 and 1 are the parts and 2 is the whole number! We also learnt the rhyme Two Little Dickie Birds which […]

This week…

What a busy week we have had! Our maths focus for the week was all about the number 1. We learnt lots of ways to represent the number and are now familiar with some mathematical vocabulary including numeral and subitise! […]


Here is our next phonics video for you to watch at home together. Revise all the phonemes we have learnt so far and join in with the games 🙂 Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Virtual Library…

Take a look, listen to and enjoy sharing stories together based on our topic All About Me. The picture is to show you what it looks like and if you click on the link below the picture, you will be […]