Good morning everyone!

Hopefully we will have seen you live at 9.15 but here are the jobs we’d like you to get on with today…

Look back at the phonics videos here on the blog and pick a couple to watch again. Be ready to join in as if you were in class! 

You could also practise the phonemes you find more tricky in your Letters and Sounds book, read your reading book to a grown up and ask them to do the questions at the back of the book with you, play a game with your tricky words, practise writing your letters.

We have been learning about pairs of numbers that total a bigger number up to 10. Have a go at this game and see if you can save the whale whilst practising your number bonds.

You could also try this counting game.

We will meet up again after lunch at 1.30 for a fun activity to finish the week.

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